Monday, October 31, 2011

Dear Hair,

On Sept 10, 2011 I used Frucits Garnier Sleek and Shine leave in conditioner. I blew you dry and curled you with a hot iron. I pinned you up so I would look like Lucille Ball. The next day, I didn't wash you. I put a headband on and touched up some of the curls with the hot iron again. Monday the 12th, I washed you. I looked in the mirror at what I was expecting to be messy, natural curls. Instead, my eyes beheld messy, straight hair. I combed you out, wondering what had happened to you. I grabbed the leave in conditioner that I used two days previous, and as I spread it through your locks, I came to the realization that it was probably the cause to the lack of curl.
I thought that it wouldn't last. I waited, watching for the return of curls. One day became two, two days became a week. There was little improvement. I started taking pictures with my phone, so as to better see whether there were any change. In that first week, you went from mostly straight to somewhat wavy. But after that, you plateau'd. You lost your curl. I lost your curl. And for that I am truly sorry. It saddens me every time I think of what you were, and that you likely won't ever be that way again.
Today is Oct 31st, 2011 and it has been 7 weeks since I last used the leave in conditioner. You've had no visible change for at least six weeks, now. And it is time I gave up hope. Perhaps I will perm you, or perhaps I will learn to love you as you are now. But either way, I will always love and miss what you once were.



  1. AUGH! D: I didn't know that could happen! Perhaps a deep treatment? I'm so sorry Aubs. D:

  2. Good news! It has been two years since I posted this post. I have curly hair. It grew back in curly, baby!!! And I will never use any Fructis Garnier products again.
